About The Founder Maulana Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi

About The Founder

Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi (R.A.)

The ancestors of Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi(RA) were Rohilla Pathans. His great grand-father Janab Yusuf Ali Khan (RA) settled in Rampur (U.P.).

He was a successful trader of horses. During a visit to Junagadh (Gujarat) he died in 1856 and buried at the royal cemetery with full majestic honour.

Hazrat's grandfather Maulana Shah Mohammed Hidayat Ali Sahib (RA) was the eldest among seven brothers. After some time he migrated to Jaipur. The elder among the four sons of Shah Mohammed Hidayat Ali Sahib (RA) was Janab Hakeem Altaf Ali Khan Sahib (RA). Who was the father of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi (RA), born in 1920.

Hazrat Maulana Shah Mohd. Hidayat Ali Sahib(RA) was a great sufi, scholar, thinker and author . His intellectual cognition and spiritual insight had seen the latent potential of his beloved grandson Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi(RA). In accordance with his wish, after his death in 1951, the Khilafat was bestowed upon his grandson.

Maulana Shah Hidayat Ali Sahib(RA) wanted a revolutionary and fundamental change in the prevailing educational system and its curriculum. His aim was to establish an educational institution whose students would be inculcated with the required competence and potential so that they could get both worldly and Dini benefit.

After the demise of Maulana Shah Mohd. Hidayat Ali Sahib(RA), his heir Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Mujaddidi (RA) resolved not only to complete the unfinished work of Dada Hazrat(RA), but made it the mission of his life. First of all he wanted to implement this new system and syllabus in Dini Madaris. He discussed the matter with the responsible persons of Madaris and educational institutions, teachers and educationists and insisted to bring the change in the old syllabus. For a long time he kept on persuading them to work in this direction but could not be successful. At last, he made a determination and resolved to establish a prototype himself.

Hazrat Sb (RA). Wanted not only the establishment of an educational institution, but in his imagination it also included Hostel for students, Staff and Servant quarters, Mosque, Playing ground, Swimming pool, Hospital, Maktab for primary education, post office, Bank, and shopping centre etc. To accommodate all these facilities, a vast area of land was required. The dream of Hazrat Sb(RA). appeared in the form of Jamea-tul-Hidaya. Its foundation stone was laid on 17 Oct., 1976, and the regular educational activities started in 1986.

Jamea-Tul-Hidaya is only a part of the magnificent mission whose aim was overall development and progress of Millat-e-Islamia, and restoration to its pristine glory. To achieve this goal, Hazrat sb(RA). remained active to the last. A Mard-e Momin who combined in himself the highest values of the Shariat and the Tariqat, of orthodoxy and Sufism and who commanded respect for his transparent sincerity, for his simple living and for his selfless devotion to the common cause of the Community. A man who personified Islamic values, soft-spoken, cultured and courteous to the core; humility and modesty, patience and tolerance, moderation and balance, generosity and compassion, marked his personality. He breathed his last in 1994.